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Unit 10: Evaluation for experimental portraiture

I have used my primary and secondary research effectively by researching artists on Pinterest such as Bill Brandt and Yell Saccani to inspire my work such as low key and high key photos and using the techniques that they used but also developing them into my own. I also used techniques that I have used from previous projects to inspire me that I think is suitable for my experimental portraiture project and also looking at previous work that I have produced.


My media experiments are successful as I have produced a different range of work with different experiments such as collaging, stitching, painting with water colours and acrylic paints, impasto printing and Sala tape printing. I have also scanned work onto the apple macs and started experimenting with different tools on Photoshop such as levels, layering/blending, colour balance and invert.


I have explored characteristics that are analysed successfully by working through my check list and following through certain criteria’s that needs completing.


I have conveyed my intentions by working through my check list and making sure I have completed work that has been set out for and using my artist research that I think is suitable within the project.


I planned out my work by going through a check list and researching artists that stands out to me and what I think is suitable for the project.


By completing this assignment, I have learnt certain skills such managing my time better, researching artists to inspire my work so I can get it to the best quality standard as possible, being more experimental with my work and new techniques such as using the suing machine and developing my Photoshop skills further.  

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